Percentage of Households in Palestine That Have Durable Goods by Type and Region, 2014 

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Region Palestine Type
Gaza Strip West Bank
7.4 26.1 19.7 Private car
92.9 97.7 96.1 Electric fridge
3 9.6 7.3 Freezer
45.2 67.5 59.9 Solar heater
51 53.1 52.4 Water heater (wooden or boiler)
35.5 42.4 40 Automatic washing machine
60.9 56.4 57.9 Regular washing machine
5.6 3.3 4 Dryer 
0.2 2.9 2 Dishwasher 
14.5 2.2 6.4 Kerosene cooker (babour)
96.9 86.8 90.2 Palestinian mobile line
14.1 45.9 35 Vacuum cleaner
79.4 81.8 81 Electric fan
93.5 98.1 96.5 Gas/ electric cooker
17.2 43.4 34.4 Microwave
61.8 76.8 71.7 Gas/ electric oven
0.2 1.8 1.2 Central heating
38.4 81.1 66.5 Heater
16.5 12.4 13.8 Home library
81.5 63.6 69.7 Regular TV
2.2 12.5 9 VCR/ DVD
89.1 96.6 94.1 Satellite dish
28.5 36.3 33.6 Phone line
0.5 30.4 20.1 Israeli mobile phone line
27.1 30.1 29.1 Computer (PC)
24.6 28.2 27 Computer (laptop)
4.3 5.3 5 Water Filter
49 63.9 58.8 Smart mobile phones
6 17.1 13.3 LC
0.1 0.7 0.5 LC split unit
6.5 16.5 13.1 IPAD/ Tablet
25.3 26.7 26.2 Radio
17.8 41.2 33.2 TV/ LCD/ LED/ S-D screen
0.7 2.4 1.8 Play station/ X-Box